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  • New
Rodin pour les enfants ! Un cahier d'activités complet. Une coédition musée Rodin - Minus
  • Rodin pour les enfants ! Un cahier d'activités complet. Une coédition musée Rodin - Minus
Rodin pour les enfants ! Un cahier d'activités complet. Une coédition musée Rodin - Minus

Family visitors' guide



Here is the museum guide for children to help you observe, understand, and learn fun facts about Auguste Rodin, his works, his museum, and the sculpture garden:

  • Activities to do in the museum and sculpture garden
  • A fun way to visit the museum as a family
  • A unique visiting experience

Always in the playful "Minus" style that appeals to families: informative content, humor, a graphic design...

Made in France!

Author: Collective
Size: 10,8x18 cm
Number of pages: 20 pages, ill. colour
Cover flexible cover
Language: Bilingual English & French
Publication date: 2024